19 October 2023


Correct maintenance is very important for a dental unit, in order to keep it and the machinery clean and performant. How to do that? First of all is important to differentiate the ordinary and extraordinary maintenance.


Ordinary maintenance is made up of all operations done by the doctor on the dental unit: cleaning the surface, the filters, and the silicon parts. Disinfect the internal system and the suction cannulas.

Take a look at our YouTube channel: there are three dedicated videos about dental unit cleaning.

Ordinary Maintenance


Extraordinary maintenance consists of operations normally done by the technicians. Compared with ordinary maintenance, it is done normally after one year of the dental unit working. It allows to keep the dental unit performing at the top level! Extraordinary maintenance consists of replacing a few components inside the dental unit. Don’t worry: In our videos, we explain everything if you want to do the job by yourself!

Extraordinary Maintenance


Don’t forget we have spare parts kits for your dental unit! Check the dedicated article: