13 March 2025


On the market, there are many brands of micromotors: we chose to install TKD (Italy) and Bien Air (Swiss) on our dental units.

This topic is strictly related to the one where we talk about pedals. We suggest to read also that article.

A micromotor can be pneumatic or electric. But, as we said in the other article, an electric micromotor can work with either a pneumatic or an electric input (the input given by the pedal).


You can decide not to have a control panel for micromotor. In this case, you can adjust the speed of the motor just with your foot on the pedal.

If you decide to control more precisely the micromotor, we can install also a control panel: the DuoPad

We have two types of DuoPad for TKD micromotors: one digital with a LDC touchscreen display, and one analogic with buttons.

What control panel can do? The maximum speed of the motor can be set at the value you prefer, The light can be turned on or off directly on the control panel and you also can set the torque.

The two DuoPads are fairly similar, but the analogic one has three memory slots where you can save different parameters (for different purposes or for more dentists in the clinic).


When we install a TKD micromotor on our dental units, we place all boards in the doctor tray: the converter, the control board, and (if you want it) the control panel.

The big advantage of this configuration is that all boards are independent. It means that if you have a problem with one of those, you can replace only that one! And, in any case, the dental unit still working because the micromotor is not controlled by the dental unit, but it is controlled by a dedicated board!

The control panel is an option, for this if you have problems with this one, you can disconnect it and still work with the micromotor controlled just by the pedal!


This control panel allows control of all the functions of the micromotors and also the dental unit. It is an LCD touchscreen installed on the doctor tray instead of the standard panel.

We can install many kinds of micromotors from Bien Air, not only motors for general purposes but motors for specific operations.

With this we can also control the scaler: when an instrument is pulled, on the screen appear the dedicated page to control that instrument. In the case of the scaler, you can set the power for example.

To discover all the functions of the Bien Air control panel, take a look also at our video on YouTube.

Thanks for reading this article. Don’t forget to watch also the video dedicated to micromotors and the other control panels for more information!

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If you missed the other articles, you can read them here!

See you next time!