innovative tools for diagnostic imaging
Our X-Ray generators, RVG sensors, phosphor scanners and Intraoral camera are perfect solution to complete your working space set-up. Italian knowledge for best performances, always at the right price.

X-Ray Units
X-Ray Generators
Our X-Ray units are easy to handle, long-lasting and supplied at an affordable price.
AC and DC X-Ray generators allow to obtain detailed radiographs of the oral cavity.
This helps the dentists to better diagnose and treat common problems, such as cavities, gum disease and infections.
The X-Ray units X-70 AC and DC, thanks to high technological development, allow getting HD images
using normal films or digital images receptors (intraoral sensor and phosphor plates).
Both the models are available in two versions, wall mounted and mobile.
Click on “Download catalogue” if you want further information.
RVG Sensors
RVG Intraoral Sensors
The RVG sensor is a digital intraoral sensor based on CMOS (Complementary Metal-oxide Semiconductor) technology.
The sensor is an image receptor which captures images obtained through an X-Ray unit;
RVG SENSOR allows the user to obtain a small pixel size (20 μm), thereby ensures excellent spatial resolution.
RVG SENSOR is available in two sizes:
Size 1, 30 x 20 mm active area
Size 2, 33 x 25 mm active area
To have further information about this product, click on “Download catalogue” button.
Phosphor Scanner
Plate reader
The Phosphor Plate Scanner is a device to read intraoral phosphor plates (PSP).
The plates are used as receptors for radiographies obtained with an X-Ray unit.
Once the take is done, the PSP is introduced into the scanner’s slot, which read it and send the high-resolution image to the PC.
The scanner reads and clears the plates in few seconds, allowing the plate to be reused repeatedly.
To have further information about this product, click on “Download catalogue” button.
Intraoral Camera
DRS CAM V - Autofocus Camera with mouse
Professional high-resolution camera which allows to capture and store images and videos,
to create personal history folders for each patients’ condition.
Capturing high resolution images and videos is extremely easy with DRS CAM V.
Adjust the rotative camera head to reach the most comfortable working position for you, obtaining the best results.
To have further information about this product, click on “Download catalogue” button.